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GSM Games : Mayhem at Ewe Tree Hall [Download]


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The famous millionaire businessman, Rudolph Rams-Bottom, was preparing to celebrate his 80th Birthday. He had invited his family and relations to his newly acquired country house, Ewe Tree Hall, to celebrate with him. Before the celebrations commenced, he had shocked everyone with the announcement that he planned to step down as head of the family business and would announce his successor by the end of the night. A few hours later and several miles away, a popular but relatively unknown police officer by the name of Detective Sammer was just preparing to go home for the night when the call came through. A body had been found at the Rams-Bottoms home and it appeared to be murder! Detective Sammer was on the scene within minutes and held everyone at Ewe Tree Hall, pending the investigation. What guilty secrets were people hiding, who would resort to murder to keep those secrets hidden and most importantly, can Detective Sammer bring the killer to justice? All will be revealed in "Mayhem at Ewe Tree Hall".

New download only version! Full instructions included in download. You will need a printer to print this game, no box is shipped. You will receive an email after purchase with download instructions.

The suspects are:
Albert Rams-Bottom - The Only Child
Archie Bishop - The Boy from Oz
Bertie Ramsbottom - The Black Sheep
Elizabeth Ramsbottom - The Daughter
Felicity Ramsbottom - The Unwilling Wife
Gwendolyn Rams-Bottom - The Patriarch
Hubert Bootpolisher - The Butler
Lionel Bishop - The Unwelcome In Law
Margaret Vash - The Lawyer
Petunia Potions - The Family Nurse
Rudolph Rams-Bottom - The Boss
Walter Bewter-Smith - The Outsider
NOTE:There are 7 male and 5 female suspects, an 8 player party requires 5 males and 3 females.

Ultimate Murder Mystery games have multiple outcomes so the game can be played many times, with a different murderer, victim and mystery. Now the host really takes control and decides who is killed! Limited scripts allow for more improvising so you may play your character in your own style and choosing, providing a more freeform murder mystery experience!

Download contains:
Character information packs
Character images
Character relationships sheet
Host information
Game money for printing
Suspect sheets
Readme instructions
New ZOOM version for online play

Note: Download games are digital files for you to download and print - this is not a boxed game.

This game is recommended for players aged 18+

For non-commercial use only. All rights reserved.

*EU CUSTOMERS: Your order will be manually processed and the files will be sent to you by email within 24 hours. For instant access to downloads, please order from our Etsy shop instead.

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GSM Games : Mayhem at Ewe Tree Hall [Download] Reviews

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I hosted a party of 9 for New Year's Eve and the flexibility of the game made it really easy to add an extra person on the night! The multiple possible endings are a double-edged sword, however, as there are lots of sub-plots which are irrelevant if they don't contribute to the ending you have chosen (and can be distracting). But the story is well-written and interesting, the author(s) certainly have talent. Some of the files were a bit poorly put together (the 'you are' cards with stock clipart for instance) and the building maps which didn't seem to add a lot. Maybe the money was a bit of an unnecessary distraction and could easily be played without. But, the story is strong and everyone had a great time. Thanks!Anon (2015)
Fabulous game. Easy to folllow instructions. We all had a great night.Anon (2014)
We played Murder at Ewe Tree Hall as the joint celebration for two birthdays, with catering from outside for a sit down meal after the murder during which conversations continued. It was a very successful evening that everyone attending enjoyed. The documents were all clear and well written. There were some spelling mistakes (eg "vile" for "vial") that needed to be amended by hand to ensure guest weren't confused! Perhaps these could be checked and corrected on the manuscripts. Overall, well done. We will be coming back for more at some point.Anon (2013)
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